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Film Review: Skin Deep (1989)

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A womanizing alcoholic writer, whose life seems to be falling apart at the seams, repeatedly finds himself in trouble of one sort or another with the law, ex-girlfriends, and jealous boyfriends.


Blake Edwards “Skin Deep” arrived on the tail end of the 80’s featuring everyone’s favorite sitcom actor John Ritter as character Zachary “Zach” Hutton.

It was one of my more favorite John Ritter films to come out and in some ways a comedic cult classic in its own right. “Skin Deep” is imply one of those underrated joys that got lost in the shuffle.

Mill Creek brought his gem out of obscurity by giving it a proper blu ray release and HD upgrade.

John Ritter was a pretty active actor at that time after finishing his run with Three’s a Crowd / Three’s Company in 1985. Following his sitcom fame he went onto star in several films over the next few years eventually offering his talents again to TV gigs.

Director Blake Edwards additionally found notoriety as an active directing talent who’s claim to fame arose from the earlier Pink Panther films.

The combination culminated into a charming comedy focused on a best selling author who could not come to terms with his love for women. The film begins amusingly with Zach being caught cheating on his mistress who arrives just in time to see him in bed with her hair dresser. Though if that isn’t enough, then it escalates to his wife that arrives soon after to catch him in bed with the hair dresser of his conformational mistress (who now has a gun pointed at him). In all it doesn’t end well with Zack being kicked out on his home and his present relationships with all 3 of them a thing of the past.

This is the story behind this comedy piece.

Zach has not written anything of value in years, and can’t seem to find motivation under the weight of all of these women in his life. His charm appeals to several woman in the film who usually become passing acquaintances of his as he moves from one relationships and 1 night stands into the next. Though the ordeal seems to also have affected his ability to perform of which he seeks out the help of his physiatrist and local bartender with the goal of figuring it all out.

So what is it about this film that still delivers today? Well for one there is no shortage of beautiful women which include actresses: Julianne Phillips, Chelsea Field, Denise Crosby, DeeDee Rescher and the rather intimidating female body builder Raye Hollitt.

Skin Deep is filled with great and memorable moments throughout accented with John Ritter’s physical comedy style that will go down as “scenes to see” for generations ahead (More notably the famous glow in the condoms scene and his thermal wrap ordeal).

Originally developed for actor Dudley Moore, Skin Deep would not be the films it was without Ritter’s perfect sense of timing and delivery.

In all, this film is a must see if only for its witty script and great cast, but most of all it to remember the incredible comedic acting talents of actor John Ritter who had no trouble lighting up the screen with his charming personality and presentation combined with a quirky knack for doing the occasional pratfall.

It’s classic 8o’s humor presented and directed in a hilarious way that fits like a glove with other comedy release of that era. If you haven’t checked one out then it’s due time as you wont be disappointed especially if you are a fan of earlier humor that arose during that time.

Grab a copy of Skin Deep on blu ray per Mill Creek Entertainment

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