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12 Bad Jokes About ‘Children of the Corn’

Children of the Corn was released in 1984. It is directed by Fritz Kiersch and based on a short story by Stephen King, about a group of children that follow some type of force in the cornfields.The force tells them through Isaac, to kill the town’s adult population. I almost thought I was related to the corn kid followers, with my bad jokes and such.But, Isaac put a stop to that! Oh well, I think (yeah, there’s something you rarely see.Me thinking! ). I think, there’s jokes about these corn field fledglings.Yep! There is! Here’s:

12 Bad Jokes About ‘Children of the Corn’

1) What happened to the ancestors of the Children of the Corn, when they broke the law?

The were put in the “Stalk-cade”!

2) Did you know ancestors of the Children of the Corn, were Pilgrims?

Yeah, apparently, they came over on The “Maize-Flower”!

3) If Chaka Khan is for regular R&B music fans, what musical artist do the Children of the Corn listen to?


4) What reality game show, do the Children of the Corn like?

The “A-Maize-ing” Race!

5) When playing the game, Clue, what character do the Children of the Corn, fight over?


6) What kids restaurant do the Children of the Corn go to?

“Shuck” E.Cheese!

7) What male vocalist do the Children of the Corn like?

Chris “Corn-ell”!

8) What Captain & Tennille song, do the Children of the Corn like?

“Husk-rat Love”!

9) What horror film were the Children of the Corn, allowed to watch?

From “Husk” Til Dawn!

10) What old time baseball player, did the Children of the Corn like?

Ty “Cob”!

11) What actor did the Children of the Corn hope would raise awareness of corn based fuel?

“Ethan-ol” Hawke!

12) What major label wants to sign the Children of the Corn to a contract?

“Green Giant”!

Well, there you have it! Weren’t they just awful? ! Tell me you don’t have a headache by now! Well, what about a laugh or two? Aha! You there! Yes, you! The one reading this in New Hampshire-I heard you laugh! Mission Accomplished! Remember, Maniacs  –  There’s a bad joke just waiting to be written…

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